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Saturday, 8 December 2012

A pick-me-up

From Dreamlife's blog

I read this and thought it was awesome mashaAllah!

They tell you to be patient.
They say your time will come:
what is meant to be will be;
And all that lies between now and then
is a trial of Faith,
a lesson in patience,
a Revelation of your ultimate reliance on the One.
You seek that which, you feel, will complete your heart;
complement your mind;
bring lasting comfort to your soul.
You wish for the bond of love and tranquility,
placed between your hearts;
you yearn for the one who will be a garment to you,
and you fulfilling the same blessed purpose for them.
You dream of a future,
a life no longer alone.
A companion to share with you all the ecstasy and agony you will face within your journey.
Someone who will walk with you,
side by side,
hand in hand,
down the beautiful path that leads back the One to Whom we belong,
the One to Whom is our return.
And though you will face that Day alone,
your bond – and all it manifested itself as – gives you hope
that, together, you were each other’s helping hand.
You enjoined what was good,
and forbade what was evil;
You had a common goal, a beautiful goal;
and the support of each other was your safety net:
you had a home in their arms,
and when they held you,
nothing could harm you -
For you were right where you were destined to be,
wrapped in the love of the one who you held so dear,
and the two of you,
wrapped in the Love of the One Who brought your souls into existence,
then shaped you over time – through pain and joy, preparing you for the pure, everlasting union that was always in existence – though you did not know it until it came to your senses:
manifested itself in front of your eyes.
He alone, you worshipped;
He alone, you asked for help.
And though, at times, you grew frustrated,
wondering when the help would come;
when it would be your turn -
in truth, the Help was always there.
It was just for you to accept -
with your heart and your mind,
beyond the superficial rhetoric -
that everything has its appointed time.
So on that Day,
as you stand before Him,
you do so in the knowledge that your lives,
your souls,
though beginning separated;
were brought together at the appointed time.
And all that came before was not a waste -
on the contrary,
it was a treasure chest:
a collection of thoughts, feelings, experiences;
all part of your preparation.
Yet you did not see it that way,
in your haste to attain that which you so cherished.
But the past has passed,
and all is put into perspective now.
And though we cannot conceive what awaits us in the Hereafter
- for Paradise begins where the imagination ends -
we know who we wish to share it with.
So, look past the immediacy of these moments without them;
and remember what awaits you in your future.
Take lessons from the past.
Be thankful for the present.
Be hopeful for the future.
Seek help in patience and prayer;
ask of Him Who is of infinite bounty.
Tell Him all that you fear,
all that you dream of,
all that you want;
Open up to Him and pour out every ounce of the hurt you feel.
Let it all go.
For when you have done so,
when your troubles have been released,
you will be brought back to the truth and comfort of your ultimate reliance on the One:
your Eternal Companion; closer than you can imagine.
Keep the faith, always.

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