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Thursday, 24 January 2013

Another year, another rishta

Salaam people!

Yes, there was another rishta to start the year off.

No interesting stories though. The rishta was a recommendation from one of my aunts. The guy and his mother came over. He was in his 30s, newly seeking because of family circumstances that had previously made it difficult. He was ok, but not very interested in the deen, and constantly mentioned the gym (I've noticed that the amount of times a guy mentions the gym seems to be proportional to how tubby he is - the bigger the guy, the more he seems to want to prove he works out. Weird). It was pretty obvious from the first couple of minutes of conversation that we just weren't compatible - we hardly had anything in common and didn't 'click' at all. Also, his mother was a little bit too nosey - asking about the price of my parents' house and how they paid for it, amongst other things. I wasn't very interested and they didn't call or anything. Overall, I guess it left me feeling more positive - that there are guys out there, and that they're not all total weirdos.

At around the same time, another lady phoned my mum to say she was looking for someone for her son. She said she would be going shopping the next day, and would pop round with her daughter to 'view' me as well. My mum was not amused at the way she obviously perceived girls as meat - something to window shop around to find the best deal for, before her son having to be involved.

Of course the search will go on inshaAllah, but it's not everything. It's time for me to re-evaluate and take action on some of the things I've always wanted to do, to try to make them a reality. The whole marriage thing may or may not happen, but other good things certainly can, bi idhnillah (with the permission of Allah).

Hope everyone else's year has started well :)


  1. I'm glad you've posted actually. I thought I'd share this but one of our family friends whose niece wasn't getting married swears by this, and it's something I've personally seen to give me peace in my day alhamdulillah.

    She said to read Surah 3 times every day until you get married inshallah. I read with the intention of marriage in mind but it's such a beautiful Surah and I identify with it so much, it's a real treat to read it anyway!

    Just thought I'd share anyway.

  2. Oh sorry I meant to say Surah Rahman!

  3. JazakAllah khayr - it really is a beautiful surah :) x

  4. You should become a teacher. You can teach them all kinds of things.

  5. Thanks for the compliment :) (assuming you're not being sarcastic lol)
